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\ 每日限量20位 /

註冊成為 Yum Me Print 及 SF EXPRESS 會員,並即場寄件,即可使用會員限定優惠碼免費印相1張 Register as a member of Yum Me Print & SF EXPRESS, and send a shipment to enjoy the exclusive member discount code for a free photo print.

\ 半價印相優惠 /

搶唔到限量免費印相券? 放心,仲有半價印相優惠等緊你!只要簡單註冊成為 Yum Me Print 及 SF EXPRESS 會員,即可使用會員限定優惠碼半價印相1張

Register as a Yum Me Print & SF EXPRESS member and use the exclusive discount code to get 50% OFF on printing a photo.






Beluga Limited 保留權利隨時修改是次活動之條款及細則

如有任何爭議,Beluga Limited 保留最終決定權

Terms and Conditions:

The discount is only applicable to the event print points

The discount is only applicable on the specified event dates. Please refer to the latest announcement by the event organizer for the exact dates and details.

Each member account can only use the exclusive discount code once.

By participating in this activity, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

Beluga Limited reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time.

In case of any dispute, Beluga Limited reserves the right of final decision.

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