\ 新會員半價印相1張 /
到任何 Yum Me Print 常規打印點註冊成為 Yum Me Print 會員,即可以使用會員限定優惠碼:
以半價優惠打印1張相 !
- 每個會員帳號只可使用限定優惠碼一次
- 優惠只適用於指定相框
- 優惠可用於全線Yum Me Print常規打印點
- 當參與本活動即表示閣下已閱讀、明白及同意遵守本條款及細則
- Beluga Limited 保留權利隨時修改是次活動之條款及細則
- 如有任何爭議,Beluga Limited 保留最終決定權
Terms and Conditions:
- Each member account can only use the limited offer code once.
- The offer is only applicable to selected photo frames.
- The offer can be used at all Yum Me Print regular print points.
- Participants in this promotion are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed on the promotion terms and conditions.
- Beluga Limited reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this promotion at any time.
- In case of any dispute, Beluga Limited reserves the final decision-making authority.